AWSEF Call for General Counsel


The AWSEF Trustees are currently searching for a volunteer

attorney to serve, in an advisory capacity, as General Counsel.

Legal advice is occasionally beneficial when Board decisions

need to be made that are beyond the knowledge base

of most of the Trustees. Examples are tax questions and

organizational protocol when dealing with entities outside the

AWSEF/AWS membership, including student applicants. This

General Counsel position is not an elected position, but rather

filled by a qualified volunteer from the AWSEF/AWS



Here is a description of this position:

The AWSEF General Counsel renders advice to the

Educational Foundation Trustees on legal matters. The

General Counsel serves at the pleasure of the Educational

Foundation Board, and does not have to run for

the election. The American Wine Society Educational

Foundation is a Non-Profit Corporation under Section

501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


If you know of a person in your Chapter or Region who would

be willing to serve as AWSEF General Counsel, please contact

Bonnie Huber, AWSEF President, at or

call (631) 806-7234.